Patricia Spoelder
Haar werk wordt tentoongesteld in diverse galeries in binnen -en buitenland. De onderwerpen in haar schilderijen zijn divers, variërend van landschap, stilleven tot portret. Haar kleurenpalet is koel en de uitbeelding diffuus, zoals de kwaliteit van het Nederlandse licht.
Haar werk is voornamelijk geconcentreerd op het schilderen, maar werkt ook in andere disciplines, zoals video-animaties, illustratie en geboetseerde portretten.
In 2011 studeert ze af aan de Lerarenopleiding beeldende vorming te Amsterdam. Door haar opleiding en de behoefte haar kennis en ervaring over te brengen geeft ze sinds 2011 op kleine schaal teken- en schilderlessen in haar atelier in Amsterdam. Naast haar vrije werk maakt ze ook werk in opdracht.
Patricia Spoelder is a visual artist specializing primarily in painting. She has attended a number of art academies including The Royal Academy of Fine Arts and the Rijksakademie of Fine Arts in Amsterdam. Her work is exhibited by various galleries in Holland and abroad.
Her paintings deal with diverse subjects ranging from landscape, still life to portraits. Her color palette is cool and the portrayal diffuse, like the quality of Dutch light. It is an Impressionist style of painting characterized by loose brushstrokes.
Her work is mainly concentrated on paintings on canvas but uses also other media like video animations, sculpted portraits and illustration.
In 2011 she graduates from the Academy of Fine Art and Design in Education at the Amsterdam school of Arts. Because of her training, her knowledge and experience, she really likes to transfer this to others so since 2011 she gives on a small scale drawing and painting lessons in her studio in Amsterdam.
Patricia Spoelder
Feike de Boerlaan 107
1019kv Amsterdam
Tel: 612807608
2936 dagen geleden bijgewerkt
- Schilderkunst
- Sculptuur