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Open Call: 'I log in therefore I am' exhibition

OPEN CALL | (Treehouse NDSM)

Deadline for Submissions: April 8th, 2024
Exhibition Dates: May 30th to June 23rd, 2024

Treehouse NDSM is currently running an Open Call for its next exhibition, ‘I log in, therefore I am’, on view in May and June 2024. This group show aims to allow artists to present their creative reflections on the 'dichotomy of presence in the digital age’, that is, the challenges of finding a sense of inner balance while navigating through physical, mental, digital and virtual presences. Artists from all backgrounds and working in any medium are welcome to apply as long as their projects fit the exhibition's theme. We will put more focus on applications from local artists.


The exhibition ‘I log in, therefore I am’ finds inspiration in the mind-body dualism theory of René Descartes (1641). In today’s times, our minds are simultaneously present in physical, digital, and virtual realities. This exhibition aims to map the points where physical and digital realities interact or seem to intersect, as well as to question the sense of presence of the human mind.

Some seem to believe that the digital world is “virtual” and the physical world is “real.” But the question of what constitutes reality remains. Do we coexist in multiple realities? How do the physical and digital experiences enhance or challenge the idea of “existence” or ”presence” of the human mind?

Exploration and experimentation through art can be a starting point to reflect on the duality of the physical and digital realms. We invite art projects that work with the physicality of experiences like our sense of time, space, touch and smell, along with the visual stimulations of digital experiences.

Throughout this event, various art workshops and side-activities will be organised, such as roundtable discussions with scholars, artists, and inhabitants of Amsterdam Noord.
Apply through the link below.

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18-03-2024 t/m 18-09-2024

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