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Expoplu Experiment: Modern-day Griots and tapped train conversations

Tentoonstelling 25-09-2020 t/m 18-10-2020 > Nijmegen
POST Expoplu Experiment: Modern-day Griots and tapped train conversations
Storytelling has been around for as long as humanity had the time and opportunity to tell each other stories around the campfire. When religion arrived, storytelling became even more prominent. There was - and is - only one way to share spiritual experiences with each other, and that is by telling - often mystical - stories. With the advent of the internet and contemporary sources such as YouTube or Wikipedia, the transmission of stories from generation to generation, or re-inventing traditional storytellers like modern-day griots, storytelling becomes easier to disseminate and share.

'Expoplu Experiment: Modern-day Griots and tapped train conversations' is a duo exhibition with two artists who transformed the exhibition space of Expoplu into a vibrant studio during a ten day working period. An experiment in which meeting, collaboration and exchanging each other's materials and methodologies are central. For this edition of Expoplu Experiment, Ayo and Konarovská’s shared fondness for collecting stories, both autobiographical and adapted, has been the starting point for an exciting collaboration. The artists have been given a free hand to create a new (collaborative) work within the walls of Expoplu.
POST Nijmegen
POST Nijmegen (2)

POST (voorheen Expoplu) is een platform voor hedendaagse kunst. POST presenteert kunstenaars uit binnen- en buitenland voor een breed en divers publiek, zowel in de Paraplufabriek in Bottendaal te Nijmegen als in het voormalige postkantoor in het Spijkerkwartier te Arnhem. Het platform biedt ruimte voor experiment, engagement en samenwerking, en benadert actuele maatschappelijke thema’s op onderzoekende, experimentele, poëtische, (ver)beeldende en artistieke wijze.


donderdag t/m zondag, 12:00-17:00
open tijdens exposities

  • Schilderkunst
  • Beeldhouwkunst
  • Keramiek
  • Fotografie
  • Sculptuur
  • Manifestatie
  • Multimedia
  • Grafiek
  • Tekeningen
  • Design
  • Installatie
  • Conceptueel
  • Ruimtelijk
  • Diversen

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Time: 0.019