Anna van Suchtelen
kunstinzicht.nlSelected art projects include: Genius Loci (2017), films and silkscreen prints; < > (2015), film diptych; 0 degrees (2015), film triptych; Pioneer Pop (2014) and Pilgrim Kootwijk (2013-12), interactive walks and film reports; Our Airs Conspire (2013), interactive installation nominated by K.F. Hein Art Stipendium; Lindenduft (2010), installation with memory cupboards and film; Soft Voices (2009), installation with listening glasses and film.
Selected writing projects include: articles, reviews and columns for Lucy Art Platform (2017-11); non-fiction novel Versailles at the Scheldt for Cossee Publishers (2017).
‘Anna van Suchtelen knows how to visualize her great interest in the human being, language and history in works that invite to a direct experience. She researches the senses, memory and time and she explores the locations where she is active in an extraordinary way. Text and narrative are crucial elements in her installations, audio pieces, films, sculpture pieces, silk screens and publications. In the tension field between the personal and the general, she experiences with sound, image and content in order to unravel our existence.’ – quotation jury report Kunstliefdeprijs 2012