Lightening landscape and quiet people

15-11-2018 t/m 02-12-2018

Soloexhibition of Olga's oilpainted Dutch landschapes en people.
Olga van der Klooster Galerie De Waag: Lichtend landschap, Stille mens

Impressions of Water

10-11-2018 t/m 22-11-2018

Joint exhibition of works by artists of Bath Artist Printmakers and Grafisch Atelier Alkmaar.

Exploring the past to create today.

01-11-2018 t/m 11-11-2018

Haarlemse Kunstlijn. Exhibition of the members of the Artist Society KZOD of Haarlem

GAA Drukt Door

22-06-2018 t/m 22-07-2018

Graphic Art Manifestation.

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