Krystyna Ziach
kunstinzicht.nlRecent Work, Salon II, Arti et Amicitiae, Amsterdam, NL
01-09-2012 t/m 23-09-2012
/.../ The photo series Inner Eye by Krystyna Ziach overawes one with the large dimensions of the photo works. Ziach shows seven portraits in which she examines the boundaries between reality and dream, the conscious and the unconscious, the visible and the invisible. Ziach’s photographs are not about the individual, but about a universal, inner portrayal of mankind. The closed eyes obfuscate the characters and grant the works a serene atmosphere. The person portrayed is looking inward and moves to the verge of the unconscious./.../ Translation: Hanny Keulers
Inner Eye / Krystyna Ziach", text by Joanne Dijkman, art historian, 2008
Limited Edition, Foundation of Visual Arts, Amsterdam, NL
12-05-2012 t/m 10-06-2012