Raquel Maulwurf
kunstinzicht.nlCentraal Museum Utrecht
14-11-2020 t/m 20-06-2021
In collaboration with Kunstmuseum Den Haag, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam, Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and Teylers Museum Haarlem
with a.o. Marlene Dumas, Navid Nuur, Michael Raedecker, Mark Manders, Otobong Nkanga, Yael Bartana, Sam Samiee, Jan Hoek, Klaas Kloosterboer, Folkert de Jong, Hannah van Bart, Magali Reus

Positions Berlin Art Fair (Livingstone Gallery)
09-09-2020 t/m 13-09-2020
Chabot Museum Rotterdam
02-06-2020 t/m 29-11-2020
with a.o. Armando, Gerhard Richter, Günther Förg, Willem de Kooning, Edvard Munch

On the right: Henk Chabot, 'Brand van Rotterdam', oil on canvas, 1940
VOLTA New York
04-03-2020 t/m 08-03-2020
booth 1.22

Art Rotterdam
05-02-2020 t/m 09-02-2020

Left: Night raid on Hamburg 1942, charcoal, pastel on museum board, 152 x 145 cm, 2018. On the right: Night raid on Toyama, Japan 1/2 VIII '45 (II), charcoal, pastel on museum board, 143 x143 cm, 2019
Livingstone Gallery
24-12-2019 t/m 18-01-2020

Chabot Museum, Rotterdam
18-09-2019 t/m 01-03-2020