Krystyna Ziach
Solo exhibition A Chamber of Mirrors 1994, installation
The Netherlands Photography Museum, Sittard NL,
curated by Reinhold Miesselbeck, Ludwig Museum Cologne, DE
This installation is composed of photoworks and photo-sculptures from the series : The Garden of Illusion, Melancholy, Japan and Metamorphosis, made in the period between 1984-1994

/…/ A Chamber of Mirrors, the title of her exhibition at the Nederlands Fotomuseum in Sittard, refers to the frequent use of mirrors in the work. Apart from being a vanitas symbol, the mirror is also a theatrical attribute. Mirrors are elements to structuralize space, they take possession of it. …The photographs are sculptures, which is not suprising considering her initial education as a sculptor.
"Ziach makes photographs like sculptures", de Volkskrant, 1994, NL, Paul Depondt, art critic, De Volkskrant, NL