Petra van Bennekum

Expositie is afgelopen


Tentoonstelling 09-03-2023 t/m 09-05-2023 > Blowup Gallery, Hortusplantsoen 7,Amsterdam
Petra van Bennekum Metanoia
Petra van Bennekum Metanoia (2)
Petra van Bennekum Metanoia (3)
Petra van Bennekum Metanoia (4)
Petra van Bennekum Metanoia (5)
In METANOIA // singing to my clay molecules Petra van Bennekum (visual artist ) explores the arrangement of shapes and senses.
The work on exhibit both reflects and celebrates her study into the emerging field of (sound) vibrations and the interchangeability of all matter.
Clay forms slowly, it has its own will. Yet, evolving structures continuously interact with the vibrations within the space created by Petra. She is finding her voice while shapeshifting into silence.
Petra is half of the globally working creative duo Petrovsky & Ramone, that shoots editorials and campaigns in the fashion industry. Her personal work materialised after longer and disconnecting breaks from society, in which she started experimental sculpting with wood and stones. In this process she drew from previous studies at Sint Joost Academy where she immersed in sculpture and monumental art. She has learned to trust the creative process and let the work unfold naturally. Petra has come to appreciate the beauty in letting go of control and allowing things to align on their own.
At the moment Petra mainly uses clay as her material of practice after inheriting a kiln and all raw materials for glazing. Through her work, she strives to create a sense of balance and harmony in her pieces and the spaces they occupy.
She is working on a collaboration with Japanese artist Orans Chiharu to create olfactory sculptures. Together they set up an artistic research into their shared interests in sound and scentual healing - the Japanese word for scent means listening. Can there be such a thing as healing objects?
The past few years Petra has had her studio in an old garage in Oostzaan. The multifunctional space is used as a photo studio, ceramic workshop, yoga shala and singing circle. She has a high passion for chanting kirtan and has been receiving intense training in voice & sound healing, as well as Reiki and energy reading.

Visual Artist


Petra van Bennekum
Westerstijfselmakerspad 16
1511 BA Oostzaan
Tel: 0643432089

419 dagen geleden bijgewerkt

  • Fotografie
  • Sculptuur

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