
Expositie is afgelopen

sim only

Tentoonstelling 27-05-2023 t/m 20-06-2023 > Amsterdam
reclame sim only
Black screens are enclosed in glass shelves, shiny without a scratch. Accessories for care, protective cases in plastic sleeves, urgent repairs to get back on call. A nursery for our precious devices that give us the love we need. Then come the people, their hands, their strange behaviours, the grotesque situations and sad coincidences captured by chance with a phone camera. These moments, framed by photography and reframed by the display, appear where the screens were once silent, bringing noise to the quiet shop. The offline space, where the digital is reduced to components and broken screens, presents a new feed of printed images, akin to analogue scrolling. Ordinary scenes transform into beautiful accidents, impossible to stage, becoming mirror images, a reminder of family portraits, both comforting us in our sense of belonging and causing anguish from that very same belonging.

Eefje Stenfert (1996, NL) is a multi-disciplinary artist based in Amsterdam using ‘42923703q’ as a pseudonym, equally being the name of a project in itself. 42923703q represents a large archive of imagery that aims to contemplate the beautiful absurdity of Stenfert’s everyday recordings. Using photographs and videos as her raw material, she crops, re-frames and makes collages, resulting in creating series, albums and stories by the new connections she suggests. 42923703q likes to re-enter the mundane by showing these series of images in spaces that stock-photos and other pretty-pictures occupy, be it on Instagram, websites, billboards, advertisement frames, shops and other spaces where images are involuntarily consumed.

Fone Up is a store that offers phone repair services, as well as sells refurbished cell phones and accessories. Many thanks to the owner Othman Jaalouti for hosting us.
reclame #5 is kindly supported by the Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst.

reclame is a project space initiated by artist Lisa Sudhibhasilp that physically limits itself to a street advertisement board. Artists and designers are invited to react to this peculiar presentation context, the display conditions and the public of walkers-consumers. reclame is interested in practices that challenge the culture of advertisement and the notion of merchandise.


Mon-Wed 7:30-20:00
Thu-Fri 7:00?-20:00
Sat 8:00-20:00
Sun 10:00-20:00


Sarphatistraat 65
1018EX Amsterdam
Tel: 0626173180

216 dagen geleden bijgewerkt

  • Grafiek
  • Installatie
  • Conceptueel
  • Ruimtelijk

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Time: 0.02