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Expositie is afgelopen

Reinier Vrancken – Eyes makes a face, eyes make a face

17-03-2024 t/m 21-04-2024 > Amsterdam
P/////AKT Reinier Vrancken – Eyes makes a face, eyes make a face
Photograph by Jean Penders
Opening: Sunday 17 March, 16 – 19 hrs
21 March – 21 April, Thursday – Sunday, 14 – 18 hrs
Groenhoedenveem 2 (entrance around the corner at Veemkade)

Reinier Vrancken – solo project: Eyes makes a face, eyes make a face
In his artistic practice Reinier Vrancken (1992, lives and works in Rotterdam) moves in and out of material and immaterial worlds through oblique connections and poetic leaps.
His installations, interventions, objects and artist books test the vague contours of physical and conceptual bodies with lyric attention — their diffusion and plurality in particular forming the subject of artistic address — and become entry points for articulating their underlying kinships.
P/////AKT Amsterdam

P/////AKT is a non-profit exhibition space for contemporary art that organizes and facilitates large scale solo presentations through which the audience gets the opportunity to gain insight in the thinking space of the artists.

P/////AKT provides a platform for exceptional, emerging artistic talents, who distinguish themselves through their unique and authentic language and who are capable of giving a different view on the current way of thinking. They are stimulated to work out new developments and are given the opportunity to present their work to a relevant audience. Furthermore, P/////AKT always asks the artists to produce new work that relates to the specific nature and dimensions of the given space and to present their own mental space as an overall presentation within the given context.

donderdag - zondag, 14-18 uur

Groenhoedenveem 2
1019 BL Amsterdam


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