Robert van de Graaf
Signs of Angels Written in Light
2021 - 2022 / Oil on linen (aluminium stretchers) / 125 x 150 x 2,5 cm

This painting is inspired by the path of life, to try to grow as a person and to move closer towards the soul. Van de Graaf has also been inspired by the alchemists (as described in The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho) who are talking about the soul of the earth and about living your own legend.

Passage of ‘The Alchemist’ (Paulo Coelho);
“Because life wants you to live your own legend.”
“Where is the treasure?” he asked.
“To get there you have follow the signs. God has described everybody’s path which we should follow. It is only a matter of being able to read what He has described for you.”
The language of The Alchemy connects to the heart and soul, not to the mind.
Van de Graaf is very interested in this philosophy and tries to be very much aware of these signs you get along the way to keep you going in the right direction. This connection is vital in his life.

Van de Graaf wrote a poem on the 7th of December 2021 inspired by the work (translated by the artist from the Dutch original);

The paths guide,
Harbour the signs of the soul,
Brought by God’s angels.
Listen to the roaring of the wind,
Which dances with the infinity of the waves,
And the simplicity of the sand.
Trust the path,
Through mountains and valleys,
Chronicled in the Light.