Mieke Borgdorff
kunstinzicht.nlZie: http://www.ekatra.nl/schubertiana/schubertiana
I organize exhibitions in Orion, a socio-therapeutic, antroposophic living group,I am active in locale art programs, like Schubertiana, a 2 hours program with the music of Schubert and the poem Schubertiana of Tomas Tranströmer, enlightened with my photograph’s.
See: www.ekatra.nl/schubertiana/schubertiana
Solo-exposities in Nederland:
Galerie Cee Dee Jay ‘s, Rotterdam (2001) & 2003)
Golden Tulip Hotel, Capelle a.d. IJssel (2002)
Galerie Tiltenberg, Vogelenzang (2002)
Galerie Oostpoort Delft (2002)
Galerie Groene Passage, Rotterdam (2003/2004)
IVF-VU, Amsterdam (2004)
NH-hotel Capelle a.d.IJssel (2005)
Galerie Kerkcentrum Holy, Vlaardingen (2006)
Galerie 'R', Rotterdam (2006)
Solo-exposities buitenland:
Gallery Oriel in Barmouth ,Wales, Engeland (2000/2001)
Stages Gallery in Machynlleth , Wales, Engeland(2000/2001)
Harborroad Galery, Kleinmond, Zuid Afrika (2004)
WTC, Rotterdam (2003)
Stadsgehoorzaal Vlaardingen (2004)
Raadhuis Capelle a.d. IJssel (2004, 2005)
Galerie Kerkcentrum Holy, Vlaardingen (2005 & 2006)
Galerie R, Rotterdam (2006, 2007)
Vrije Academie, Den Haag (2007)
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