Solo exhibition Melancholy, Museum Den Tempel, Sittard, NL, curated by Coen Eggen

08-09-1990 t/m 03-10-1990

Works from the series Melancholy 1989-1990
Krystyna Ziach Solo exhibition Melancholy, Museum Den Tempel, Sittard, NL, curated by Coen Eggen
Lambda-print, 168 x 125 cm
Melancholy 1989-1990

Solo exhibition Melancholy, Building Society of the Netherlands Municipalities, Hoevelaken, NL

02-07-1990 t/m 21-07-1990

Works from the series Melancholy 1989-1990.
Krystyna Ziach Solo exhibition Melancholy, Building Society of the Netherlands Municipalities, Hoevelaken, NL
Black Cross of Malevich I
Lambda-print, 150 x 140 cm,
Melancholy 1989-1990
Collection Museum Het Domein, Sittard, NL

Solo exhibition Melancholy, Canon Image Centre, Amsterdam, NL

23-05-1990 t/m 14-06-1990

Work from the series Melancholy, 1989-1990:
/.../ Painted expressionist elements return in Melancholy, but now in a more stylized form. Human figures seem confined by geometric and crystalline structures. The mirror turns up several times, referring to the tradition of the trompe-l’oeil, the illusion of space in art. Ziach’s inspiration for Melancholy came from the geniuses of art history, Albrecht Dürer, Leonardo da Vinci and Kasimir Malevich. Like Ziach herself, these artists were captivated by the ambivalent longing for the unity between mathematical order and absolute emotion. Malevich’s black cross for instance, is composed of five squares which are to symbolize pure emotion. Ziach’s Black Cross of Malevich is a lyrical adaptation of this painting. With the - expressively painted - cross as a frame, she photographed a naked woman in a variant of Da Vinci’s ‘homo universalis’./.../
*read more: Krystyna Ziach / A Chamber of Mirrors 1984-1994, text by Iris Dik, 1994, on the website:
Krystyna Ziach Solo exhibition Melancholy, Canon Image Centre, Amsterdam, NL
Melancholy / Krystyna Ziach
Personal catalogue, text by M. Thijsen, 24 pages, published by Magazine FOTO, 1990, NL
Krystyna Ziach Solo exhibition Melancholy, Canon Image Centre, Amsterdam, NL
Irrational Space I
Lambda-print, 168 x 125 cm
Melancholy 1989-1990

Time: 0.016