Krystyna Ziach
Archê I
Lambda c-print, 90 x125 cm, 70 x 95 cm, edition 5 each
Archê 1995-1996


/.../“Archê” - which is the Greek word for “origin”- is the title of her new show. This universal concept refers to the leitmotiv of “water” or “the wet element” which is implied. Water can be understood as a metaphore for transience and the passing of time. In Archê water is also the symbolic transformation from the material to the spiritual /.../
Translation : Hanny Keulers
Archê / Krystyna Ziach, text by Fritz Gierstberg, curator of the Netherlands Photography Institute, Rotterdam, 1994
* read more: "Archê -The Ambivalence of Water and Fire", by M. Thijsen, from the book Infinity & Archê, 2006, NL on Documents & Press

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