Krystyna Ziach
Spatial Experiment
Krystyna Ziach’s illusory photo sculptures
Text: Mischa Andriessen, 2014
Financiële Dagblad, FD Persoonlijk, magazine, NL, 20-12-2014
photo : Geometry I, 1985, from the series Metamorphosis

A woman is squatting, her painted body almost vanishing against the background. With crossed arms she holds on to the line of a painted cube. The line runs over her body, which makes it appear as if she is inside the cube. You do know it is a trompe l’oeil, yet you believe your eyes, not the delusion. Indeed, the work moves you, because the woman seems to be imprisoned.
In the photo sculptures of Krystyna Ziach, a Polish artist who has been living and working in the Netherlands for years, this kind of delusions are not exceptional. She often creates, with the help of mirrors, spaces which do not exist in reality, yet seem very real. The beauty of it is that those mirror images point in two directions. There is a way back, the way of fleeting time and tradition. And a way forward, with dream images and spaces that are still to be discovered. The space of imagination is infinite.
Translation: Hanny Keulers

Time: 0.028