Robert van de Graaf
Oil on linen (Alu frame) / 125 x 180 x 4,5 cm / 2019 - 2020

This work is part of the series 'Silence and The City' (2019 - 2020).
‘Silence and The City’ is inspired by New York City and the search for contemplation and inner silence in everyday life, about finding meaning in life and the connection of the spiritual world with everyday life.

The painting is based on the question where to find meaning in this world. Where do you find hope, contemplation, inspiration and deepening? I think artists, art galleries and museums play an important role in providing this. The Angel of Chelsea is a symbol for bringing meaning to our life through art, the angel just keeps an eye on the process.. The painting is based on the crossroad in Chelsea, NYC, 10th Ave & 24th Street. In this series I painted the people in the streets as energies of souls with different kind of auras. I like this approach because I can paint the actual energy in the streets, the souls of a city. The souls of people which are all equal and color of aura corresponds by being good or better, bad or worse.

For more info on the series or sale inquiries, please visit my website

Time: 0.008