Krystyna Ziach
Solo exhibition Inner Eye
Galerie Gist, Amsterdam, 2008

/.../ The face is a seat of all senses, but the eyes are closed.It is as if the intimate self only wants to be known secretly and does not give up its deepest secrets.The face as a mystery, as a gate to the invisible, a troubled reflection of inner feeling./.../
Krystyna Ziach offers us images which again and again withdraw from rational explanations. They do not offer unambiguous, not established answers, but ask to be interpreted over and over.They are images of all times, which create an unavoidable interaction between the universal and individual, by appealing to our personal imagination.
Images which refer to the inscrutable and inexplicable, to suppressed desires, to man’s eternal search for existential meaning of life in his daily emotional experience of the world.
Images which seem to offer themselves as a mediator between spirit and matter, nature and culture, consciousness and subconciousness, between dream and reality.
Simultaneously recognisable and surprising they remind us of the ephemeral brevity and inescapable transcience.However, the wonder is unaffected and active in the silent vulnerability, and the melancholically poetic.

The symbolic imagery of Krystyna Ziach, by Florent Bex, 2006
Florent Bex is honorary director Museum of Contemporary Art MuHKA, Antwerp, Belgium