Krystyna Ziach
kunstinzicht.nlSolo exhibition Infinity, Brummelkamp Gallery/AMC, Amsterdam, curated by S. Kamstra
05-05-2003 t/m 17-06-2003

Diptych, lambda-print, 180 x 240 cm
Infinity 2002-2003
/.../There is the sense of repetition in the infinite sequence of gates, or in the accumulation of thousands of Buddha statuettes which tell us that there is a potential Buddha hiding in each of us /.../
Florent Bex, honorary director of the Museum of Contemporary Art MuHKA, Antwerp, BE
The Symbolic Imagery of Krystyna Ziach, text by Florent Bex, from the book Infinity & Archê / Krystyna Ziach, 2006, Thieme Art, NL
Die Grosse Kunstausstellung NRW, Museum Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf, DE
08-12-2002 t/m 05-01-2003

Catalogue, published by Verein zur Veranstaltung Kunstausstellungen, 2002, Düsseldorf, DE
including works from the series Archê

125 x 180 cm, lambda-print
Archê 1995-1996
Collection Randstad, NL
/.../“Archê” - which is the Greek word for “origin”- is the title of her new show. This universal concept refers to the leitmotiv of “water” or “the wet element” which is implied. Water can be understood as a metaphore for transience and the passing of time. In Archê water is also the symbolic transformation from the material to the spiritual /.../
Archê / Krystyna Ziach, text by Fritz Gierstberg, curator of the Netherlands Photography Institute, Rotterdam, 1994
"Archê -The Ambivalence of Water and Fire", by M. Thijsen, from the book Infinity & Archê, 2006